圖書館開放時間樓層及各項服務說明 1101027
Library services changes since Oct. 27, 2021
Limited entrance: The main entrance remains the single entrance.
Real-name Contact System and Fever Screening Station are established in all buildings.
Individuals must wear a mask all the time and keep 1.5meter social distance when entering the library.
Opening Hours
服務區域 | 週一至週五 Monday-Friday |
週六日 Saturday- Sunday |
總館 Main Library 1st to 6th floorsReading Area |
08 :00-22:00 | 09 :00-17:00 |
*進行容留人數管制,同一時間使用人數上限為300人。 | ||
自習室 Individual Study Room |
08 :00-24:00 | 09:00-24:00 |
*進行容留人數管制,同一時間使用人數上限為80人。 | ||
興閱坊 Learning Commons |
08 :30-21:30 | 09:00-17:00 |
*進行容留人數管制,同一時間使用人數上限為20人。 | ||
多媒體中心Multimedia center | 10 :00-21:00 | 10:00-17:00 |
*進行容留人數管制,同一時間使用人數上限為20人。 | ||
特藏室 Special Collections Room, |
10:00-16:00 | 不開放 |
*進行容留人數管制,同一時間使用人數上限為10人。 | ||
李昂文藏館 Li Ang Museum |
13:00-17:00 | 13:00-17:00 |
* 如遇國定假日及連續假期休館。 Closed on national holidays and consecutive holidays |
暫停服務區域:校史館、一樓東側廁所。 Out-of-service areas: NCHU Archives Room and Restroom on the east side on the 1st floor.The above services will be adjusted according to the epidemic situation. |
Library controls the number of people (2.25 square meters per person), and the maximum number of people at the same time could refer to the above table.. Fixed seats are used for the on-site listening seats. Readers who enter the venue are requested to maintain proper social distance.The library will clean and disinfect the environment regularly.
The validity period of the library card for visitor will be extended by 5 months.
All space rental services are temporarily closed.
Guided tours are temporarily closed.
六、李昂文藏館採預約團進團出之方式進行,每團參訪人數上限為15人,且非全時段開放。如校外人士有參觀需求,請先聯繫人社中心 (04)2284-0708轉109洽詢。
The maximum number of visitors per tour is 15; the museum is not available for visiting/individual all the time. If you have a request for a tour, please contact NCHU Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences at (04)2284-0708 ext. 109.
圖書館利用課程 Library Instruction Services
- 恢復迷你mini課程。Mini Library Instructions.
- 資源利用課程以線上LIVE課程進行。LIVE Library Instruction Services.
自主學習不停歇,圖書館電子資源專區 E-Resources
這一次,你一定得戴口罩!: COVID-19期刊文獻即時佈署 COVID-19-Related Journals
數位學習資源平台 Digital Learning Resources Website
系所電子資源-資源情報站 Libguide
探索你的圖書館~圖書館使用手冊 Discovering your Library~ Library Handbook
公告單位 | 圖書館 |
承辦人 | 陳蓉蓉 |
分機 | 290#112 |
瀏覽數 | 1332 |