📍【ALERT】2019 Novel Coronavirus, Wuhan, China
📍【ALERT】2019 Novel Coronavirus, Wuhan, China
If you are going to travel in/around China and nearby countries, you MUST read the following information carefully!!
New China virus infection has spread out. The infection cases were reported not only from China but also nearby Asian countries, such as Thailand, Japan and Korea. If you are going overseas, please be careful.
The following are correct concepts of epidemic prevention:
👉When staying in the epidemic area:
1. Implement personal protective measures such as washing hands frequently with soap and wearing a mask for coughing.
2. Avoid entering or exiting high-risk public places such as markets that sell live animals or local medical institutions.
3. Avoid contact with live animals and animal carcasses.
4. Avoid eating raw meat and eggs.
5. In case of flu-like symptoms (such as fever≧38 ° C, cough, running nose, sore throat, etc.), please wear a mask and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
👉After returning to Taiwan:
1. In case of fever or flu-like symptoms when returning to Taiwan, inform the airline personnel and airport/port quarantine personnel.
2. If you have the above symptoms after returning home, call the Epidemic Prevention Line 1922 and wear a mask to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Remember to inform the physician of your history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC).
3. Resting at home is advised if illness occurs. Please reduce or avoid contact with others.
4. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeves.
5. Continue to wear a mask if respiratory symptoms occur.
Thank you for your cooperation.
For virus information and updated news:
Department | Office of International Affairs |
Name | Division of Foreign Student Affairs |
Tel | 04-22840206 |
Views | 951 |