【Notice No.21】Adjustments of NCHU Dormitory Closure Date Regarding the Extension of Nationwide Level 3 Alert to July 12th

  1. In response to Executive Yuan’s announcement that extends Nationwide Level 3 Alert to July 12th on June 23, the closure/move-out date of dormitory is adjusted to 12:00 pm, July 26th. (15 days after the announcement of CECC on lifting the nationwide Level 3 Alert)
  2. To avoid cluster infection, the precautionary measures are as follows
  • Please file an on-line application in advance if individual wants to enter the dormitory for packing upThe registration will be open from July 1st to 26th, granting access to 150 people per day. Please DO NOT wait until the last day to move out.
  • For the residential students who applied to extend the stay until July 26th, you will be assigned to the same room as you were in 2021 Spring. Please avoid unnecessary contact. 
  • If you are a non- resident student who already paid and applied for the accommodation for summer vacation, you will be assigned to the new room.
  • For students who will vacate their rooms, please remember to fill out the move-out form before mailing it back to the male/female dormitory along with the KEYS and copy of STUDENT ID. The service center will complete the check-ups upon receiving the required form. Students are not required to be there during check-ups. 
  1. Due to the extension of the Nationwide Level 3 Alert, the closure date is postponed to July 26th. For the following schedule and fees, please refer to the attached files (NCHU Announcement of Accommodation for Summer Vacation) and description. If you have any question, please contact the service center. (Male Dorm: 04-22840473)
  2. Related measures will be announced on an adjustable basis regularly in accordance with the epidemic prevention policy of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).

    *Please complete the google chart to apply for your leaving procedure:
    Male Dorm: https://forms.gle/We7z9TCFu6xGAVXo7
    Female Dorm: https://forms.gle/pLQjYj2APAaB9arq6

Source: Office of Student Affairs, NCHU 
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More Information: Novel Coronavirus(COVID-19) Epidemic Prevention Area

Department Office of International Affairs
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