【Notice No.50】Forwarded_Correct Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic_0418


Duration: April 1st- April 30th


  1. Visitors entering the campus must complete real-name registration.
  2.  Masks must be worn at all times when on campus except for certain situations.

   ◆In the following situations, people will not be required to wear a mask, but they should carry a mask with them. Masks are still required if COVID-19 symptoms are present and social distancing cannot be maintained.

1. When exercising outdoors and indoors; taking individual/group photos indoors and outdoors;
2. When livestreaming, filming, moderating an event, reporting news, delivering remarks, giving a speech, lecturing, or during activities or events involving conversations with others.
  • As long as social distance is kept or proper partitions are used, lecturers may take off their mask during classes, yet they should wear masks before and after lectures. Students should wear masks during the whole lectures, and clean their hands properly. 
  1. Real-name registration and temperature measurement are required before enter every building. Eating is not allowed during classes. Individual may temporarily take off their masks when dining while avoid talking, maintain social distance, and use partitions.
  2. Activities / Gatherings:
  • Real-name registration, temperature measurement and masks are required. Eating is not allowed during the events.
  • The organizer should prepare handwashing solution or Hand sanitizer at the entrance. 

5.NCHU respective responses toward ”Self-Health Management” and “Self-Health Monitoring”:

1Self-Health Management:

  • Those who fall under “Inbound Travelers Home Quarantine” or “Close Contact with Confirmed cases” categories, should conduct 7 days of self-health management after 10 days of quarantine, during which you are prohibited from entering campus. To determine whether you are a close contact of a confirmed case, other than CDC’s SMS messages, you may check if you have interacted with the confirmed COVID-19 case (5 days before he/she being tested positive) for more than 15 minutes within an area of a 3x3 square meters rectangle. 
  • Those who received “CDC’s SMS messages”, possibly having overlapping footprints with a confirmed case. Please do not enter the campus within 10 days after you receive the message, and you are suggested to do a rapid testing.

2Self-Health MonitoringDue to the fact that those who “find their travel history overlaps with the confirmed cases according to CDC announcement” cannot be certain if they are a close contact of the confirmed cases, they should do a rapid testing(using COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test)

  • If being asymptotic and tested negative, you may enter the campus. Wear masks and wash your hands.
  • If tested negative but showing respiratory symptoms, you should conduct 10 days of self-health monitoring and not enter the campus. You may take sick leave with a fit note issued by a doctor.
  • If tested positive, please report to the Office of Student Affairs (04-22870885) right away and take a PCR test at the hospital as soon as possible. Do not enter the campus within 10 days after you are tested.


  1. Sport Venues:
  • The gym will remained closed until Aril 24th.
  • Masks may be removed when exercising, yet if social distance can’t be remained, one should wear it on.
  1. Swimming pool: Open in accordance with the guidelines of the outsourcing company's announcement and regulations.
  2. Library:



Sat & Sun

1st-6th floors


09 :00-17:00

Individual Study Room

08 :00-22:00


Learning Commons



Multimedia Center


(Closed on Sundays during winter vacation)

Special Collections Room

Tue. & Thu.


Li Ang Museum



University Archives

Mon./Wed./Fri. 10:00~16:00















4. Cafeteria: 
(1) Dine-in services shall follow the regulations announced by Ministry of Health and Welfare and CECC (Central Epidemic Command Center).
(2) The 1st and 2nd floor of the restaurant will continue using partition, and partition-free area will be arranged 
(3) New temperature sensors will be set up in the north side of the restaurant to strictly implement temperature measurement and real-name registration; meanwhile, another side entrance will be added.


  1. Measures in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak (2021-22 Spring):
    NCHU website ”COVID-19”/ ”Student affairs/Registration” (https://covid-19.nchu.edu.tw/news/detail/41)。
  2. From March 1st, 2022, the following regulations must be fulfilled if teachers chose to take in-person method as instructional approach, otherwise online teaching is applied:
    (1) Fixed seating arrangement shall be implemented, and the roll call shall be taken. If fixed seating arrangement is unachievable, instructors should take a photo of the class for further investigation if necessary.
    (2) As long as social distance is kept or proper partitions are used, lecturers may take off their mask during classes, yet they should wear masks before and after lectures. Students should wear masks and eating is not allowed during the whole lectures.
    Ps. Masks are suggested if the classrooms are poorly ventilated or social distanced can’t be maintained.
    (3) It’s essential to ensure good indoor ventilation and to clean and disinfect classroom facilities. The course delivery method will be in accordance to CDC announcement, be it in-person or online. If online method is taken, teachers should comply with university’s distance-learning regulations.
  3. Online teaching method in response to COVID-19 Q&A webpage ( https://www.oaa.nchu.edu.tw/zh-tw/news-detail/content-p.937
    Latest information will be updated on a rolling basis according to the status of the pandemic situation and CDC’s announcements. 

Club Activities

1. Division of Extra-Curricular Activities:

  • Yun Ping Building:Open
  • Restaurant 3F: Open
  • Yi-Qing Hall:Open
  • Hui-Sun Memorial Hall South and North (Basement):Closed until April 24th
  • Small Auditorium: Open
     ★Opening time:08:00-22:00 (Mon.-Sun.)
     ★The details will be announced on the website of Division of Extra-Curricular Activities

2. Club offices opening time: 08:00-23:00 (Mon.-Sun.)

  • Applications for extra-curricular activitie:please follow the process of and the policy of Division of Extra-Curricular as well as the regulations announced by Ministry of Health and Welfare and CDC.



Source: Media Relations Division, Office of Secretariat Translate by Office of International Affairs, NCHU

Translated: Ms. Jennifer Chen, Office of International Affairs, NCHU

Department Office of International Affairs
Views 2243